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Mystical Aurora
Owner MysticalAurora
IP play.mysticalaurora.xyz
Players 1/300
Version 1.20.4
Rank 8
Votes 0
Uptime 94.5%
Last Check 16 minute(s) ago
Country United States
Types EconomyPvESMPSurvival

Welcome to Mystical Aurora!
We are a 1.20.4 Economy SMP server!
Join us today to conquer a fresh new world. We offer over 50+ features for your enjoyment. Here's a quick list!

Spawners: Players can upgrade spawners to improve them. They can also be changed using Mob Spawn Eggs!

Custom Enchantments: Spend your EXP to have a chance at some WILD custom enchants for your tools, weapons and armor.

Quests: We offer over 500+ quest for players to complete for EXP, Money, Crystals(Custom Currency) and Crate Keys. Some quest even offer OP Tools!

Rank System: We have rank system of 21 ranks that offer donator-like perks for completely free.

Fishing: Earn money from fishing, obtain custom fish enchantments and more!

Mining: Earn money for mining, fight bosses to acquire custom enchants for your pickaxe, and more!

Player Report System: Report rule breakers directly to all staff, even if they're offline!

Custom Items: Obtain custom items, such as, but not limited to, Infinite Torch, Glass Breaker, Stat Trackers, Protection Ingot, and so much more!

Player Claims: Claim your land to prevent grief! We also offer a way for staff to see who griefed or stole from you, if it were to happen!
We offer a lot more, but why should we spoil everything?
Come join us now with the information BELOW.

Server Information
Discord: Click Here
Store: /buy in-game
Wiki: Click Here
Server IP: play.mysticalaurora.xyz
Version: 1.20.4
